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Lost Treasure

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  Cobblestone Press

  Copyright ©2007 by Midnyte Dupree

  First published in 2007

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Author Bio

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Lost Treasure

  Copyright© 2007 Midnyte Dupree

  ISBN: 978-1-60088-182-4

  Cover Artist: Emma Peteresen

  Editor: Nancy Baker

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Cobblestone Press, LLC


  For the many lost treasures out in the world. Know someone is looking for you, and one day you will be treasured as well.

  Thank you to all the wonderful readers out there. I so hope you enjoy Lost Treasure.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter One

  His soft lips tasted her neck as she arched into him, throwing her head back on the pillow. Her body tingled everywhere he touched. His long hair wrapped around his neck while he looked down into her eyes. His face was in shadow, but she could feel with her hands the hard plains that made up his cheeks and the strong set of his chin. Turning his head, he placed a kiss on her palm, and shivers raced down her spine. The heat in the room increased a degree or two, causing their bodies to sweat. Elena loved the way her skin slid across his. Flesh against flesh.

  Their heated bodies moved as one with the rhythm moving fast then slow. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest as he pumped inside her. His dark hips moving up and down. Elena heard moaning and knew that it was coming from both of them as their climax reached its peak. He never held back how much she pleased him, and that heightened her desire and increased the need for more.

  She felt the oncoming orgasm as he began to speed up, pumping his cock faster and harder. With every angle of their bodies touching, it drove her into a crazed frenzy to reach her peak. She anchored herself with a tight grip on his shoulders as the climax exploded out from her middle like a starburst. Moisture seeped between her thighs. He pumped once, hard, before he, too, found his release and collapsed on top of her. His breath hissed beside her ear.

  "My little bird,” he whispered, “you are the only thing that makes this life bearable."

  He rolled off of her, pulling her to his body. She loved the way his arms consumed her, so she snuggled closer to him. Before too long, she knew that he would disappear. Just like all the other times. Unfortunately, he was just a dream, and the real world would be waiting for her.

  His deep voice vibrated her neck. “Be careful on your journey. Remember what I have shown you."

  Elena moved so that she could look into his eyes. She saw something there and felt a stirring in her chest. Her feelings over the years had grown for him. How on earth could she feel so strongly about a man conjured in dreams? Well, how could she not feel something for someone who had invaded her dreams since her adulthood. She didn't see him every night, but on the nights he did happen to show up, she formed a bond with him. Had, in a strange way, counted on him to be there with her through some of her more trying times, always providing the comfort she needed.

  Thinking of the images he'd projected in her dreams, Elena knew he spoke of the chalice he kept showing over the years. It was a golden goblet with red rubies along the top. If her mind ever ventured to far away from the cup, he would bring the picture forth again in her mind. For some reason, he wanted that always in her thoughts.

  "I remember. The chalice will be forever etched into my mind.” She had to keep from rolling her eyes. Every time they were together, he would always bring up the goblet, but he would never tell her why it was so important. She had given up asking long ago after his answers where always vague and cryptic.

  "And, remember the lands I have allowed you to see. You must find them. You are close but still many miles away. The land is ancient and very powerful."

  He kissed her on the lips. “I feel a great danger coming your way. Be careful, little bird."

  * * * *

  "Miss Flabear! Miss Flabear! Hurry there's been an accident!"

  Startled, Elena Flabear looked up from the paper she had been studying for the last half hour; her heart raced as the worker came crashing through her tent. She jumped up, scattering all her work across the desk and floor as she grabbed a medical bag and hurried out of the cool tent into the darkening day. The thoughts of her dreams pushed far away for now.

  She rushed across the sand and hills looking for the dig site where she knew her father and Samuel were digging. Her breath came out in quick bursts as she followed the sweat-covered man who was running a few paces ahead. The medical bag she carried pounded against her thigh. Her mind raced with who was hurt, all the while praying it wasn't her father or Samuel. Just please let it be something minor. Her legs screamed as she pushed through the sand. This part of South America was mostly desert, not an easy surface to run through.

  Topping a hill, she looked across the desert and saw the wooden planks and pulleys that told her a hole was being dug there. The closer she came though, the more she noticed that there wasn't a hole there anymore, just the slightly indented earth.

  Her breathing stopped, and her eyes grew wide as tears began to flow down her cheeks. Someone was down there.

  "Lena! Lena!” A large man came at her from the side, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close to his chest where all she could smell was the familiar scent of dried earth. His hand pressed her face into his shoulder, keeping her sight away from the accident. She dropped the medical bag at her side and grabbed on to him.

  "Oh my God, Samuel! Where is Father? Where is my father?” She screamed while she held on to his shirt, squeezing it between her fists until her hands went numb. The tears were making tracks down her face as she looked around her boyfriend's broad shoulders at the earth where the opening should have been.

  "Lena,” he whispered against her ear, holding her tightly against him, refusing to let her go any farther. At the moment, she hated him for not letting her go to her father, for not allowing her to try to save him. She wasn't sure how she knew, but she felt it in her heart—her father had been buried alive, underneath all that hardened, unfeeling earth.

  "Noooo! Samuel. Let me go! I have to at least try to save him. Let me go!” Elena pushed against the muscular chest, trying desperately to get out of his hold, but the more she tried to push away, the tighter he held her.

  "No, my love. It's too late. We tried to save him. We tried, my Lena. I'm so, so sorry."

  Time seemed to slow around her. She looked at the indented earth and reached out with all her senses in hopes that she might feel her father a
live. Great heaves and sobs began to rack her body. There was nothing. Just a huge void in her chest. And now in her life.

  "No. No. No. Samuel. Not Father.” Elena collapsed against Samuel.

  "I know. It will be okay. I'll be with you, love. I'll take care of you."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Two

  A couple of nights went by as Elena rested in her tent. It was tucked a little farther away from the rest of the workers to give her some privacy. She looked up at the brown canvas ceiling and recalled the events of the week. How quickly things had changed, and how quickly her father's life was taken.

  The workers had worked diligently to find his body, just so she would have something to bury. Something to take back home. She would never have left him out there buried beneath the pounds of earth where nothing would mark his grave.

  "Lena, love. Can I come in?"

  Hearing Samuel's voice caused her chest to constrict all over again. She had refused to see him the last couple of days, opting to be with her own thoughts. In her mind, she somehow blamed him for not looking out for her dad. He should have been down there to help rescue him or should never have allowed her father down there if it wasn't safe. Sitting up, she brushed the tears from her eyes and prepared herself for his entrance.

  "Come in, Samuel.” Her voice sounded cold, a little hateful even.

  The large man pushed the canvas doorway open and slipped within its folds. His dirty blond hair held streaks of white that came from being out in the sun for long periods of time. His face was rough with stubble, but it made him appear rugged and sexy. It was a shame that even now she found him hard to resist. His hazel eyes glowed, and she remembered that that was what had first attracted her to him. He reminded her a little of her dream man. His eyes were so caring and knowing. Their attraction to one another was obvious from the first moments of their meeting. Everyone in the camp knew something was going on between them after the first few weeks of always finding reasons to be with each other. But something had made her pull away from him these last few weeks. Being with Samuel just wasn't the same as being with the man in her dreams.

  "Lena. Let me be with you. Please. I wish there had been something more I could have done. I know how close the two of you are. I mean ... were.” He looked down at the floor as he slowly and cautiously made his way over to her. Approaching the cot, he sat beside her and pulled her to his body. His scent drifted around her, causing her to melt against him, letting the familiar feel of him rush through her. She was in so much pain that she allowed him, just for a moment, to comfort her.

  "I'm leaving tomorrow, Samuel. I must go home for a while and get things in order.” Elena knew that statement wouldn't go over well with him. He had spent many months alongside her father digging for artifacts of a lost tribe. He was an archaeologist and wanted the discovery as much as her father had. Unfortunately, he couldn't completely fund the project.

  "Is that what your father would want, Lena? He was on the verge of finding something wonderful. Do you just want to leave all that?"

  She looked up into his eyes. She was appalled. How could he even suggest she stay here? Her chest tightened as she pulled away from him, leaving a few inches between them. Reluctantly, he let her go.

  Standing up, she turned to him, letting her eyes show how much his statement irritated her. “I am leaving in the morning. You can stay here if you like, but I'm taking Father back home. He wanted to be buried by my mother, and that's what will happen. It's the least I can do."

  "What about his work?"

  "His work? His work, Samuel? I know you're an archeologist and salivate at the thought of finding something big, but my God! My father is dead. Dead!” Covering her face with her hands, she let fresh tears escape. Elena had cried so much earlier, she was surprised that she still had liquid enough in her body to produce them. Her body ached, her head pounded, and the one person she thought would stand by her was turning into a real jerk. The hope of a discovery more important than her feelings.

  With her face buried in her hands, she felt Samuel's rough hands rub up and down her arms. She fought not to pull away. “Lena. Whatever you need to do. Then do it, baby. I'll go now and let you rest. We'll talk more about this later."

  With that, Samuel left her. The coolness of the night whooshed in as he pulled the door back then hurried through. She welcomed the rush of the air across her body as she slowly made her way back to her cot. The only place she could just sink into and let her emotions loose. How could he be so cold, so uncaring?

  The night moved on, and still she lay there with all the thoughts and memories of her dad. The tears had finally stopped, and her mind began to work, began to think of their work together. So many memories and, now, she was alone.

  A breeze caressed her skin, causing her to look over at the door of the tent. Maybe some fresh air would clear her head.

  Without further thought, she crept from her tent. The night enveloped her, welcomed her into its dark embrace. The air smelled fresh, like after a spring rain. The stars appeared massive and bright as she made her way through the camp to her father's tent. Only slight sounds coming from the other tents could be heard. She ignored them and kept moving to her destination.

  Elena didn't know what she was doing there, but her feet had carried her to this spot just outside the place her father had called home for the last four months. She pushed through the opening, hoping this would make her feel better—if, just for a moment, she could pretend he were coming back. Inside the air was warm. A lot warmer than she expected. His tools, books, and trunks were scattered throughout the small room as if he were going to push back the opening and walk inside. His gray hair wild and dirty from his day's work.

  Walking over to his bed, she lay across the place where he had slept for so long. Her head curved into the feather pillow. She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled her hands up under the pillow for support. That's when she felt it. Sitting up, she moved the pillow aside, and there, just under the feathered headrest, was a book. The cover was made of dark red leather with gold lining across the front in a intricate pattern Elena guessed wasn't anything meaningful. Probably just a book or something he picked up from a store in one of the towns they often visited.

  Her curiosity got the better of her as she began to flip through the pages. Inside, she couldn't believe what she saw, but it made sense. Being an archeologist he was used to writing down his findings, so it wasn't far to assume that he would keep a journal.

  "Oh, Daddy,” she said into the empty room, “I want you to come back.” She held the book tight to her chest for a moment then pulled it away to look at it. Carefully, she opened it to a random entry.

  My sweet Elena had another dream last night. She was thrashing and calling out. The worker who is camped closest to her told me. I wish there were something I could do. The dreams have plagued her all her life, and I think they have gotten worse since she's been here with me in South America. I wonder what they are telling her.

  Elena flipped the pages again coming to another entry.

  Samuel is getting closer and closer with my sweet Elena. The boy has been a godsend to me these last few months. He's clever and attentive to her. Something about him though puzzles me, but I guess it's just an old man worrying about his only daughter.

  Nothing else was written on that entry. Elena looked at the words as her brows drew together in wonderment. What did her father mean that something puzzled him about Samuel? Why would he be worried? Elena flipped to one of the entries close to the end.

  Another accident happened today. I'm beginning to wonder if these bones I'm searching for are cursed in some strange way. I'll have to be more careful in the future. Elena has mentioned that her dreams have changed since childhood. My little girl, I believe, is being called to do her own thing. We have worked so close these last few years since her mother died. I feel I have finally gotten to know her. When she is ready to move on to her own site, I will be crush
ed, but I hope she understands that these dreams are a calling and she will hunt for whatever it is they are trying to tell her. I have had similar dreams, although, none as powerful as hers. They have led me to magnificent findings. I hope my darling daughter is being led to something that will be forever good for her.

  Elena closed the book and placed it in her lap. Her fingers traced the gold lines as she tried to digest what her father had written. Could her dreams really be a calling card to something more? How on earth could a sexy-to-die-for ancient male lead her to a great discovery? Although, he had led her on some wonderfully erotic adventures that opened her eyes and made her wish her dream man were real. Her body began to heat and her nipples pushed against the cloth of her shirt.

  Just then, the tent flap pulled aside, and Samuel walked through. His sudden intake of breath at seeing her there gave away his surprise. What could he possibility be doing in her father's tent? Acting as if she brought the book with her, Elena stood up and held it at her side. Shame stained her cheeks as she was caught fantasizing about her dream lover and doing it in her dead father's tent. She tucked the book closer to her side, not sure why she didn't want to show Samuel the book. A feeling told her that for now she needed to keep it to herself and keep her thoughts under wraps.

  "What are you doing here, Samuel?” Walking close to him, she saw the way his body trembled slightly. It was a little odd that he looked so surprised at finding her here.

  "I, ah, was looking for you. You weren't in your tent, so I began searching. I figured you might come here.” His eyes danced around the room curiously. It seemed as if he might be looking for something. Something felt off about him.

  "Well, you found me."

  "Yes, yes, I did. Now, let me take you back to your tent, love. Let me help ease your mind for a little while.” He pulled her close and kissed her. The quick assault startled her, but his full lips brushed hers as his tongue carefully invaded. It wasn't her dream lover's, but he still created a tingle inside her body. Then he pulled away and maneuvered them both out the door. Before she knew it, he had her back in her tent, and his hands were making quick work on her body.