Lost Treasure Read online

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  Feeling frustrated himself, Hauyna pounded his fist against his leg. He felt so helpless. He needed to get out to help Elena. He couldn't allow this man to take the cup or he might be forever trapped in this hell.

  "Elena!” He screamed into the empty void.

  "Elena, get the cup! Goddess, please hear me! Get the cup and drink!” Hauyna screamed into the dark. She had to hear him. He screamed again and again and again. The words over and over. He closed his eyes and prayed, willing her to hear him.

  * * * *

  Elena's breath left her lungs as Samuel roughly knocked her to the ground away from the chalice. Anger boiled inside her as she turned to watch Samuel bending down to the chalice.

  By God that was hers, and she wouldn't let this crazy man take it away from her. She jumped to her feet and fought off a wave of dizziness.

  "Stop, Samuel! Get away from the chalice now!” She yelled at him.

  Slowly, he stood up and turned to her. His eyes a blaze of hatred, “I will not let you do to me what your father did to me. I had to stop him, like I will stop you.” And he pulled out a gun, pointing it dead at her chest.

  Elena raised her hands. “Whoa, Samuel. You don't want to do this."

  "Yes, I do. This find is everything I've been waiting for.” Then he bent down and grabbed the cup. He held it for a second before his eyes grew wide and he threw the cup. He screamed holding his hand.

  The cup landed at her feet, and she quickly picked it up, feeling the cool surface against her hand. Instantly, liquid appeared again, and she didn't hesitate this time. She raised the cup to her lips.

  A ray of sunlight cut through the trees landing on her form. She felt the heat spread throughout her skin as the liquid slid down her throat. Wherever it touched, it eased her, calmed her tense nerves.

  "No!” She heard Samuel scream, but she didn't care as she closed her eyes and let the sweet juice of this cup infuse her body and mind.

  The power of the liquid made her feel alive, and she saw a myriad of images of her life. Some with her father and mother, but most of them were of her dreams. The dreams where she first saw the chalice and the ones where Hauyna had touched her flooded her mind.

  Her nipples peaked as her body became aroused at the sight of him. He had a smile on his face, and his hand was outstretched, waiting for her to take hold.

  "Bring me over,” he whispered. “I want to be with you, little bird. Let me fly with you. Let me save you."

  Without further thought, she grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled him to her body. He held her tight as the light around them grew brighter and brighter. Somewhere, thunder echoed. The wind brushed through her hair. Then she felt him brushing her hair away from her face. Gently, lovingly.

  "Thank you, Elena,” and he kissed her on the head before she felt him pull away.

  Elena was laying on the ground when she opened her eyes. She could hear Samuel talking non-stop about the chalice being his saving grace and how he would kill anyone that got in his way.

  She realized that he wasn't talking to her anymore. Standing just a few feet in front of Samuel was a large man. Larger than any one she had ever seen. His body rippled with tanned muscle and only covered by a few strategically placed clothes. His arms pulsed as he squeezed his fists together, and she knew he was pissed off.

  "Elena, stay back. I will handle this,” his deep commanding voice boomed.

  Elena looked up in amazement. Could this really be happening?

  "You're ... you're ... here?"

  He turned slightly to her and winked before he turned back, giving Samuel his full attention. Samuel still raged on and on about the chalice being his and how he would kill this man.

  Then, it dawned on her what he had said earlier, and she quickly got to her feet.

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  Chapter Seven

  She moved closer to Hauyna, stopped beside him, and was amazed at how his body towered over her. The thoughts of him against her bare flesh ran roughly through her mind, making her squeeze her thighs together in wanting.

  Hauyna's brows slashed downward as he looked at her. “Stop thinking such things, little bird, or I will leave this man to do his worse and take you now."

  With shock, she looked at him and felt the rising blush upon her cheeks. What the hell, could he read minds, too?

  He turned his attention back to their problem.

  "Who do you think you are? Lena, did you hire some crazed man from town who thinks he is an old shaman? Ooo, I'm scared. Now give me the cup!"

  Elena realized she had dropped it, so she retrieved the cup. Samuel waved his gun wildly in the air at them, and then he aimed it at her when he saw she held it once again.

  "Give me the cup, damn it! Now!"

  That's when things got fuzzy. Elena couldn't remember what happened. Her head pounded, and her eyes stung with the rays of light that beat at her lids.

  "Ah, little bird. You're awake."

  "Um ... yea.” Her mouth felt dry as if she had taken in the whole of the desert. All she could think of at the moment was getting something to drink. “Drink."

  Instantly, a cup with a straw appeared by her mouth. She sipped eagerly, letting the cool liquid race down her burning throat. The light bounced off the white walls into her throbbing eyes. She was in a hospital.

  "What happened?"

  "You're in the town hospital. Shh. Just relax. Everything is fine now."

  She looked over at the sound of the voice and smiled. God, he was so breathtaking. Men just were not made like him anymore. Elena reached out, and he grabbed her, engulfing her small hand in his.

  "What happened and how on earth are you here? Am I dreaming?” Breathing in, she felt a sharp pain at her side and winced.

  "Be careful, don't move much. You've been shot. Mainly just a flesh wound, but it's painful. You're not dreaming, Elena. Your workers heard the commotion of the fight and came running. They brought you here as quickly as they could. If I had had my herbs, I could have healed you.” And he smiled. The movement of his lips sent a rush of lust through her. Even though the pain was awful, her heart cried out to be close to this man.

  Hauyna looked at her with his knowing eyes then brought her hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on her knuckles. The gesture was so sweet that she felt a tear race down her cheek.

  "I'm sorry you had to find out about your father like that, but the problem has been taken care of, and your lover will no longer bring you any pain."

  "Hold on a sec. My lover?” Elena rolled her eyes.

  "Yes, you and he had a bond there for a while."

  "You know about that? And how on earth are you here with me if I'm not dreaming?” Elena tried to move, but the pain shot down her side then down her leg. She couldn't help grabbing at it and holding back the scream. Taking in some deep breaths, she let the pain slowly fade away.

  "Elena, don't move. The bullet grazed your side, but you will be fine with some rest.” Haunya brushed a strand of hair out of her face, “I am here; that is all that matters now."

  "What happened to Samuel?” Not as if she really cared. He had obviously been the one to shoot her. He probably never even cared for her. She looked at the man at her side. She felt for him what she had never felt for anyone else. With just a look or a touch, he brought her body alive. Samuel had never made her feel that slow burn inside her body. Even now with the fresh pain of her bullet wound, she wanted to feel Hauyna part her thighs. To feel him slide deep inside her where he would move in and out, working her body into a frenzy of fire and ice.

  She threw her head back on the pillow in frustration. Moisture coated her thighs. Obviously, even getting shot couldn't make her body deny what it wanted.

  Hauyna came close where he could whisper in her ear. “Little bird, I want you, too. I want to feel your body for real sliding up against mine. I hate seeing you in pain, but my body knows that you need me inside you. It is killing me that I cannot accommodate.” He kissed
her forehead. “Samuel did not make it. When he shot you, I attacked and killed him. My only thought was getting you to a hospital. You have been here for a couple of days recovering."

  "Wow. I can't believe it. It only seems like it's been a few minutes. What happened to Samuel's body?” Elena took another drink. The liquid felt as if it were rebuilding her body, making her stronger. Her strength was coming back and with it the overwhelming urge to pull this man closer to her. It was hard to stay focused on her questions.

  "Well, I am not quite sure. When I returned to the site, the chalice was wrapped back in the box, and there was no sign of your former lover."

  "Quit calling him that. You have been my only lover.” Elena grabbed him, pulling him closer and placing a kiss on his lips—his real lips. She moaned and thought she might have heard him groan also. Knowing that she could do that to this huge man sent shivers across her skin.

  "And I will be your only lover. From now until eternity.” Those words sent her soaring. Over the years, they had created such a tight bond that she didn't realize how much she had looked forward to seeing him in her dreams. Still a few questions remained that just needed answering.

  "What happened to you? How did I conjure you from my dreams?"

  He looked away for a moment, taking his hand from her hold. Shame crossed his features before he looked back at her. She could feel his pain and wondered what caused it.

  "I was cursed by my apprentice. He hated that I had stronger magic and that the village preferred me. I am not sure what happened to the other leaders, the elders of the tribe; I just know they were all gone. The village grew quiet. All the children, mothers, fathers—everyone was just gone."

  Elena wanted to reach out to him, to help take away some of his pain. Then he continued, once again captivating her attention.

  "I lived many years, seeking out with my mind the wonders of the changing world. All the things around me changed except for me. I thought that I might die after a while, but death never came. Instead, I lived in darkness, only escaping in meditation to see what new things were going on around me. Then, I came across your essence looking out over the land, and I connected with you.” He looked into her eyes. His eyes glistened against the glow of the only light bulb that hung from the ceiling of the small room. Elena wanted to fall into their softness.

  It really was a good thing that her injury was only a slight wound because, feeling the pain that telling his story was causing him, she knew she had to comfort him. She pulled him up so that he was standing against the bed. The nurses or someone had given him some clothes. The shirt hugged his body, outlining the muscles across his chest. Obviously, no one around here was quite as large as him. Her vagina tightened with excitement.

  "I'm glad you found me. Even though the how is a little strange. But I suppose strange things are supposed to happen around lost treasures, right? We archaeologists never know what we'll find when we come across a new discovery.” Elena pulled him closer until he was bending over her head and his mouth was just an inch from her own. His breath brushed across her lips. She closed her eyes, anticipating the touch and hoping he would make that last reach for her, because her body felt so tight, needing the release that had been long denied her. It bloomed to pounding pulse.

  In a rush, he crushed his lips against hers, and the feel of him actually touching her, for real this time, sent waves of desire flowing inside. Her hands reached up to his shoulders, grabbing him. The air in the room turned hot, and the energy sparked around them, lightly dancing across their skin. His tongue swept inside to tentatively touch her own. The softness was startling, but she took him in and let him taste her.

  The texture of his tongue and mouth was like nothing she had ever encountered. It soothed her, called to her, beckoned her to delve inside for more. Elena's hands stroked his shoulders and felt the muscles at his neck. Her hands moved up higher to bury deep into his thick mane. It felt silky as it slid through her fingers, and she pulled him in deep.

  He finally pulled away, and she thought she had been drugged all over again. She didn't want to open her eyes, because she wanted to just let the feel of him wrap her in its essence.

  "Wow,” was all she managed to get out. She heard him laugh, making her open her eyes. His eyes crinkled at the corner, and the color glowed with delight.

  "The doctors said if you were well enough when you woke up and they checked you out, you could go home. Would you like that?"

  Elena licked her lips, tasting him in his absence. Oh yes, she wanted to go home.

  "We can't go home right away, Hauyna."

  "Of course, I know this. We will go back to the camp and stay there until you're one hundred percent. Then, we will decide what to do. But as long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. Boy, she could really get used to this. Her chest felt tight and, every time she looked at him, she had a feeling that this man would always be in her future.

  Someone opened the door, taking her attention from him.

  "Miss Flabear, I'm your doctor?” A small doctor walked in carrying a clipboard. His white lab coat had his name on the side that read Dr. Alua Ali Ackbar. He held out his hand, and Elena took it and shook.

  "Yes, sir. Nice to meet you."

  "Everything looks good. Your labs came back fine so, if you want to leave today, you may.” This man looked at her, but for some reason refused to look at Hauyna. Elena noticed that right away. His eyes would dart to her then away, then down at his information. How very odd, she thought.

  "Yes, I would love to leave today. Thank you."

  Dr. Ackbar looked down at his paperwork before he looked back at her. He took a quick peek over his shoulder then leaned in. The gesture made her lean in to him, because she knew he was about to tell her something that should only be for her ears. Hauyna leaned in to them also, but the doctor did not acknowledge the movement.

  "The chalice was one of many treasures. Your father knew about them, and now you must find them.” He turned quickly away as a nurse entered the room. She looked at him and then at the others, a questioning glare across her beautiful face.

  "Dr. Ackbar, you are needed downstairs. Immediately.” Her eyes narrowed at the doctor.

  "Yes, of course.” The doctor turned away from the two of them, leaving Elena feeling a little strange. He didn't look back as he exited the room. The nurse stayed behind only to drop off her discharge papers.

  "Your clothes are in the closet, Miss Flabear. You and your partner,” and she looked over at Hauyna. Not a nice look, but one of warning, “will be leaving the site soon, I suppose, so that you can recover?” Although, the nurse tried to be nice, Elena knew something sinister lay beneath her words.

  "I'm not sure what we'll do, but thank you for your concern.” Elena grabbed Huanya's hand. Yep, he felt the strange vibes coming off the nurse, too. He remained still and quiet.

  "Hmm. Well, I hope you understand it's very dangerous in those parts, and I would hate for you have another accident. Take care, Miss Flabear.” She got Elena's signature then left. Just like that. No more mysterious, cryptic messages.

  Something warm and moist brushed her neck. Elena closed her eyes as she let Haunya's magical tongue work across her skin making the moments of just a few minutes ago fade from her mind.

  "Let's get going, little bird. I would like to take care of you when we return."

  She laughed, because she knew just what taking care of her meant.

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  Chapter Eight

  The sun was just dipping beneath the mountains, casting yellow, orange and pink rays across the sky. Elena knew how beautiful this country could be, but now, looking out across the hills and mountains, she felt something bigger was out there. The rocks in this area always vibrated with an energy she could never place, but could always feel.

  Hauyna came up behind her, placing his manly arms around her chest. He bent down and kissed her neck, inhaling her sce
nt. “You smell like the sun, little bird."

  Elena smiled. “And you smell like leather and earth.” She turned around in his arms and snuggled close. The wound in her side still throbbed, but the worst of it had long gone. Hauyna had been such a gentlemen the last couple of days. Just like in her dreams, he helped her through her rough time.

  "I love you, Hauyna. I think I always have, just never allowed myself to love someone I didn't think I could have.” A rumble sounded in his chest next to her ear.

  "I love you also, Elena.” She looked up into his eyes. To the love reflected there with a twinkle of mischief. Elena couldn't keep from shaking her head in disbelief at him. He had denied their need the last couple of days, but now it looked as if the days of denying were over.

  "Show me,” she whispered. And that was all it took. Hauyna put an arm under her legs, and one cradled her back as he swept her from her feet. He kissed her with all the love she felt flowing from him. She, in turn, poured everything she had into the kiss.

  Before she knew it, he was placing her on some blankets he had spread out on the floor of her tent. The setting sun cast shadows against the canvas as the trees swayed in the breeze. The workers had been given some time off now that her discovery had been found. It was just the two of them. There, together in a land close to paradise. She was finally with a man whom she loved and who loved her back.

  "Let me help you out of the clothes. You wear too many in this time. I liked it when our women went topless.” He unbuttoned her top and pushed it from her shoulders revealing her lacy tan bra. His fingers glided around the edge of it, just barely touching her skin. Elena stood there and let his fingers wonder. The trickle of power trailed his fingers, causing her skin to rise in goose bumps.

  Breathing deeply, she kept her hands at her side and waited. It was strange because they had seen each other many times in her dreams, but this time would be for real. His length would be inside her, rubbing against the sides and bringing her to climax. With that thought, her body moistened and her thighs tightened in wanting.